Friday 1 October 2010

MegaProjects: The Solution To African Poverty?

Why do African Countries See Mega-Projects as a key part of their economic development?

A “mega-project” in a geographic sense is a large scale development which will have a significant impact (both positive and negative) on the surrounding area. For Africa mega-projects could be the start of spurring industrial and economic development. Large scale projects such as hydro-electric dams are the kind of mega-projects Africa needs. Along the river Nile Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia want to use the Nile for hydro-electric dams and irrigation systems. This is because if they can generate electricity from a dam they can supply their cities with electricity to support economic development. The dam will also secure water supplies for the country with the most upstream dam, that country is Ethiopia.
The proposed site for the Gibi III Dam

Ethiopia’s Gibi III dam has already caused controversy, set to be the second biggest dam in sub Saharan Africa. It will majorly boost the Ethiopian economy in 2 ways. 1) they can generate electricity which will allow IT business’, manufacturing and other electricity intensive business/industry to set up and 2) it will make water supplies more reliable thus improving the prospects of future food supplies for a vulnerable region. 

One of the pumping stations for the Toshka project
Egypt  is looking to a mega project to kick start their economy which has taken a steep slow down in 2010.  The Toshka megaproject is a huge irrigation system designed to improve agricultural output of the desert regions by irrigating them. It would involve branching off a canal network taking water from the Nile. This has not caused any international controversy like Ethiopia’s dam has because the only people downstream from the Toshka project are Egyptians. However, if this scheme goes ahead it could increase Egypt’s farm-able land by around 30% thus increasing the potential economic output substantially. And all the investment from foreign Trans-National Corporation’s which are fighting to use the land will increase development all around that region.

In a nutshell African countries see megaprojects as a key part of their economic development because they can the much needed framework to support economic development and allow the economy to prosper.