Thursday 18 November 2010

Geography Courses

 UCAS Geography Courses

There are many types of geography based courses at British universities. There are the more standard geography courses and then the more obscure parts of geography plus geography courses integrated with other subjects.
These are the core geography courses:
Geography F800
Geography L700

There are Human geography courses:
Human Geography L701

And Physical Geography Courses:
Physical Geography F840

As well as geography with other subjects here are a few more examples:
Geography with Study in Continental Europe (F801)
Geography and Environmental Management (FF89)
Geography and History (LV71)
Geography with Animal Science (F8D3)
Geography and Sociology (FL83)
Geography with French (F8R1)
Geography with Psychology (F8C8)
Geography with English (F8Q3)
Geography and Economics (LL71)