Energy is vital to everyone in the world. We need energy to function and it is especially important to the economy. Different countries utilise different energy sources for their respective advantages but usually there are geo-political issues that arise from a demand for energy resources. Some of the issues include energy disasters, TNC exploitation of foreign workers and State brutality against environmentalists/conservationists.
Energy disasters (a hot topic with the deep water horizon incident) cause geo-political issues. The issues that have been created are the fact BP (the leaser of the oil rig and therefore the people held responsible) are a British firm and they have caused widespread damage to American property and environment. Thus conflicts between the U.S government and BP/ U.K government have come to light. The reason why the energy demand created this issue is simple, if demand for oil wasn’t so vast there would have been no need to undergo deep sea drilling but the demand was there and therefore the accident happened.

In Peru, the President Alan Garcia opened up legislation allowing rural areas to be explored for oil by foreign TNC’s. However local people strongly opposed this. Nearly 2000 natives protested over this, 60 were killed by the military forces used to suppress the protest. This is an issue which is likely to become more commonplace, as governments become more desperate to secure energy resources and revenues from them the environment and native people are being put increasingly at risk from this. Although, this issue is seen as a massive travesty of justice it was covered up and no one has been put on trial for it.