Sunday 9 January 2011

What Is China Doing In Angola?

Chinese Workers Building Railway Lines In Angola
China is ever growing in its international presence. Its rapid economic growth has led it to requiring more natural resources than ever before. For the first time in many years China is now requiring large volumes of imports in order to sustain its growth. Recently Africa and in Particular Angola has been its latest location in the hunt for natural resources.

Who Are The Ascession 8 (A8) Countries?

The A8 is an acronym which refers the 8 Eastern and Central European countries who joined the European Union in 2004. They are the Czech republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. The inclusion of the A8 was the single largest expansion of the European Union in its entire history.

What Does OPEC Do?

The OPEC HQ in Vienna, Austria
OPEC, the organisation of petroleum exporting countries, is one of the most powerful cartels in the world. Collectively it has about three quarters of the worlds discovered and recognised oil reserves. Of all internationally traded oil OPEC produces 58% of it.  

What Is Globalisation?

A question asked by many around the world. But really what is Globalisation? To look at what globalisation really is we must first look at what it is to be Globalised. 
Many people see globalisation as the reason for increasing global development inequalities.
>To be Globalised the country will have access to international markets. 
>The country will be involved in international decision making. You will share and receive information across countries. 
>The country economy will be dependent on exporting to some countries and importing from others. 

Saturday 8 January 2011

Introduction To Moldova

Moldova resides on the fringes of Europe.
Situated between Romania and Ukraine the culture of Moldova is heavily influenced by neighbouring regions. Moldova became a independent state on August the 27th of 1991 formerly breaking away from the collapsing USSR. The governmental structure is a republican democracy with a parliament of representatives.

Chisinau is the recognised capital of Moldova with a population of around 590,000. The total populace of the whole Moldovan sovereign territory is 4,317,483 including the disputed territory of Transnistria which will be covered in the “politics of Moldova” section.